谢尔盖在和同学讨论罗密欧与朱丽叶的时候他同学说朱丽叶可以嫁给富商然后偷偷跟罗密欧见面一举几得救了大家的命谢尔盖不屑一顾说那是苟且偷生罗密欧真的爱朱丽叶不离不弃剧情不是那种一边说着反抗命运一边又偷偷见面的人结果呢四年后罗曼和谢尔盖还做了偷偷见面的罗密欧和朱丽叶是不是很讽刺To speak or to do,to think or to livethey are not the same thing…
We are searching for a place of refuge for our love,but instead,the road led us to the land of dead
A self-reflexive meta-film filled with Godardian broken rhythms, splendid imagery, daring styling, and continuous streams of thoughts, drawing a parallel between the 60s and the world of Homer in contemplating marital dissolution. | 221203重看 @Concordia